Teaching About Pathology

Teaching About Pathology to Your Community

by Carol A. Lee Mooney, M.S., ICCJP

As a counselor/teacher for the adult probation department and a crisis counselor for the mental health department, I saw serious relationship problems amongst people particularly with addictions to alcohol, drugs, gambling, theft, and other self-destructive behaviors. Often associated with addictions is the added mental health issue related to ‘pathology’ which often dismantles healthy relationships and leaves in its wake, destruction.

But this common thread of relationship problems (which were not merely co-dependent, addictive, or abusive) was also woven throughout professional men and women’s personal relationships. Ooften overlooked is that white collar professionals can be targets of pathologicals just as anyone else can.

There is no immunity by career or education status that saves someone from falling into the most disordered of relationships. In fact, what I learned was those in professional positions are those ‘most likely’ to end up in pathological relationships. Why? The ‘why’ is the focus of this entire magazine.

I, too, like other educated and professional people was touched in my own life by pathological relationships through a marriage, through having children with a pathological, and through another significant relationship. All of these caused much pain, damage, and the need for specialized support through the aftermath.

Survivors of these types of pathological relationships, like myself, are those most impassioned with the message of ‘Public Psychopathy Education’ and those yearning to take the message to their communities! That’s exactly what I have done through my own coaching business ‘Coaching Alternatives to Lethal Men 78.’

My coaching business has enabled me to teach others about pathology in relationships through individual, group, and phone supportive care sessions. I have taken the message to my community through lectures, workshops, and into the schools with groups.

My purpose with The Institute is to help people like you get started in their own outreach to other survivors in their communities. On a professional level–therapists, counselors, probation officers, social workers, addictions professionals, etc. can become certified in this area of Pathological Love Relationships to add to their existing clinical focus in their practices.

On a peer level, individuals can become trained to lead support groups in churches, schools, or other community centers. These groups help individuals who have been devastated emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually and financially from relationships they feel they are intensely attached to and can’t leave no matter what the behavior has been.

The Institute offers training for any one, at any level, so you can become involved in the solution of Pathological Love Relationships. This column ‘Teaching about Pathology to Your Community’ will discuss ways for reaching out to your community with the message of education about pathology. It will help you get involved in The Institute’s Educational Services to get trained for your community.

Education is the key to knowledge, freedom, and the road to healthy lives and relationships in the future! I look forward to bringing you educational ideas each month. See you next month!

(All articles are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced, however feel free to put a link to this page.)

Carol A. Lee Mooney, M.S., ICCJP is CEO and Founder of ‘Coaching Alternatives to Lethal Men 78, LLC’. She is an Internationally Certified Criminal Justice Addictions Professional and holds a Bachelor’s degree in both Psychology and Sociology, a Master’s Degree in Adult Education/Counseling, and is a Qualified Mental Health Professional through Northeast Texas MHMR.

She is certified in various Cognitive Behavioral Programs which include Moral Reconation Therapy, MRT-based programs, Anger Management, and Untangling Relationships. Carol has worked as a Crisis Counselor and been a speaker for the Victims Impact Panel through CSCD.

Currently, she is a certified Life Coach providing individual, phone, and group supportive care regarding Pathological Love Relationships and is a workshop and seminar speaker. Carol is a survivor having personally struggled with issues involving children of pathological men, dealing with pathological co-workers, and personal pathological relationships