Crash Course Box I
Crash Course Box IThe Institute, the leading expert in Pathlogical Love Relationships has put together a comprehensive approach to these unique and dangerous relationships.
We’ll also add a complimentary gift of:
With the Crash Course Box you are ready to work with survivors:
and more! The package includes 3 print books, 7 CD’s, a PowerPoint, a guided relaxation CD, and 3 e-books for $150 plus shipping/handling. Download links are emailed to your PayPal email address after your payment clears – see below for more info. Buy now $150 |
Crash Course Box II
Understanding Destructive & Pathological Relationships
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Core training for understanding the basic of psychopathology related to personality disorders (especially narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths) and the impact on personal relationships with them.This training includes:
Healing the Aftermath–Recovery for Wounded Women
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Taken from the material from our intensive retreat program, this self help DVD gives in depth insight into the crazy-making dynamics of the Pathological Love Relationship—which is like no other relationship. Understand how the relationship dynamics creates intrusive thoughts, intensity of attachment, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and mind control-like experiences.Learn the never-before revealed temperament traits of people who are attracted to, and tolerant of, the most disordered population and what it is that keeps them ‘in’ the relationship.Break free with our step-by-step exercises developed to reduce intrusive thoughts and anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms, increase mindfulness, and stop the obsessive thinking about the relationship.
We are the only program focused exclusively on healing the aftermath of exposure to the most disordered population. |
Understanding Pathology and Its Affect on Relational Health
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This clinical training for mental health professionals will supply excellent educational information for therapists to begin to immediately spot and treat the aftermath of pathological relationships—no more merely labeling them ‘codependent’ or ‘relationship addicts.’ You will have a clear and compelling understanding of this dynamic!
Leaders PowerPoint Program for Churches
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Understanding and Healing from Pathological Relationships Workshop PowerPoint (For Christian Women): Leaders PowerPoint Program for Churches. A 2.5 hour PowerPoint filled with pictures, graphics, scriptures related to abuse and pathology, and over 100 PowerPoint slides that detail the concepts regarding pathological relationships, and what makes for healthy relationships and marriages. Easy to use and follow. Makes an excellent presentation. |
Leaders PowerPoint Program for the Community
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Understanding and Healing from Pathological Relationships Workshop Leaders PowerPoint Program for the Community. A 2.5 hour PowerPoint filled with pictures, graphics, and over 100 PowerPoint slides that detail the concepts regarding pathological and often destructive relationships. Easy to use and follow. Makes an excellent presentation. |
PowerPoint Collection
Maintaining Mindfulness in the Midst of Obsession
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Do you find your mind straying back to him?
Wondering “How he could do that?” “How could he get away with it?” “How did I miss the red flags in his behavior?” Do you find it hard to concentrate on your work and move forward with your life, because your mind keeps cycling back to him and the relationship? Are you losing sleep replaying conversations you had with him, obsessing about where you went wrong? Do you want to move forward and heal your life, but feel these thoughts are holding you back? Take heart – there is hope for healing. You are not alone. Intrusive thoughts and obsessions are the number one complaint in recovering from the aftermath of Pathological Love Relationships. As you learn to manage your thinking, you will reduce obsessive thoughts about the relationship and reduce anxiety. This therapeutic set includes three pieces – 1 e-book and 2 audio CDs. The e-book teaches you:
The 1st CD contains exercises to increase Mindfulness and reduce intrusive thoughts and obsessions. The 2nd CD contains Mindfulness Chimes to remind you to be Mindful. Break the cycle and begin your healing now.