Call For Participants: Research on Survivors of Psychopaths

My name is Jayne Dales-Tibbott, and I am a doctoral researcher with Metanoia Institute and Middlesex University in the United Kingdom. I seek participants for my qualitative research entitled:

“The long road back to self. An exploration of the lived experience of a survivor’s journey of recovery, after being in a relationship with a partner who displays psychopathic traits.”

I am looking to interview eight individuals who have experienced and survived an intimate relationship with a partner who displays psychopathic traits (PDPT). 

These include: 

Superficial charm, lying and deceit, lack of conscience or remorse and self-serving manipulative and/or controlling behaviour. The pathology to which this research refers, specifically includes all of these traits. 


Egocentricity, proneness to boredom, promiscuous sexual behaviour, impulsivity, irresponsible/reckless behaviour, lack of realistic long-term goals, and poor behavioural controls are also strong psychopathic traits that will be recognised if they have been experienced. 

Differentiating From Narcissistic Personality and Anti-Social Personality Disorders

Whilst some symptoms are the same, not all of these traits are evidenced in Narcissistic-Personality-Disorder (NPD) or Anti-social Personality Disorder (ASPD). A fundamental difference with a person displaying psychopathic traits (PDPT) being that they are not only narcissistically self-important and self-focused, but they are measured in their actions and are capable of emulating unconditional love and care through intimacy. They are neurologically impaired, so have little or no conscience, which aids their convincing ability to deceive. It is the pervasiveness of this personality pathology and the calculated harm imposed for self-gain, from a place of low/no empathy that I suggest sets this pathology apart. The consequences of experiencing such a relationship are severely detrimental to psychological and physiological wellbeing and recovery is often long and complex.

Research Focus

This research aims to gain in-depth insight into the journey of recovery that follows such a relationship; the outcomes of which will inform a newly forming body of knowledge and contribute to the production of much needed training for the helping professions.


I seek English speaking participants who are over the age of 25; 

Have been out of the abusive relationship for at least one year; 

Are in the final stages/or have recovered from the aftermath symptoms; 

And have access to a professional psychotherapist who has been a part of the journey.


Participation will involve an initial 30-minute online informal discussion to check that you meet the criteria, followed by a 60-minute online interview (to be arranged thereafter) for successful applicants. It is hoped that participation will be a positive, rewarding experience that will make a significant contribution to the psychotherapy profession in furthering cogent, scientific knowledge that will ultimately benefit other recovering victims.

Research Approval

This research has gained ethical approval by my learning institutions. It is supervised by Dr Maxine Daniels of Metanoia Institute and my Academic Consultant is Sandra L. Brown, M.A., The Institute for Relational Harm Reduction.

Contact Information and Application

If you are interested in being part of this project, your enquiry will be most welcome and your input most valuable. I can be contacted in the first instance at: